Learning to fly differences in quadcopters and fixed wings

I tend to just yaw (rudder) for a quadcopter to turn, even though I find myself always using the aileron stick to reduce a skid and create the effect of a turning plane when filming for fun. If you are spending your money on a camera gimbal, than you will probably be keeping your quadcopter as level as possible on all turns.
As for planes, they tend to bank over during a turn, so this changes how you actually use your sticks. The easiest way to understand turns is to visual the elevator as becoming more vertical (so it acts more like a rudder) and the rudder becomes more horizontal (so it acts more like an elevator) during a turn. The results of turns for most RC planes, the rudder really isn’t useful as a rudder except when you’re entering the turn (i.e. plane hasn’t banked over yet) or exiting the turn (i.e. plane is almost back to level). Some trainers actually recommend applying opposite rudder during the turn to keep the nose up for a smoother turn, since the rudder is acting more like an elevator. However in most cases, during the turn the elevator makes a perfectly good rudder and you can therefore just fly with ailerons and elevator with minimum throttle. Hope you got all that, as that was a early lesson I had before taking my first fixed wing flight…
Applying rudder during a turn can cause a Skidded Turn. A skidded turn on quadcopter is okay, but on a fixed wing, it can turn into a disaster. Otter explains it really well, here is his video
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