Build A Drone
News: UAV Challenge
Design An Anti-Poaching Drone And Win $25,000
By T Myers 10/1/2013

Synopsis: Kashmir Robotics is a division of Al-Kareem Foundation that ensures the best possible aircraft and ground robots are available to protect endangered species. Kashmir Robotics is hosting a contest to design a drone system (aircraft and ground station software) to patrol South Africa's Kruger National Park on the Mozambique border.

Deadline for entries is December 1st, 2013, and the top prize is a 10-day trip to Kruger National Park and $25,000. The challenge concludes October 4th, 2014, with the winning team invited to test their drone at Kruger.



Ability to stream imagery over TCP/IP with frame rate adjusted to conform with communications and target recognition detection to categorize humans, large animals and vehicles.
Area: Kruger National Park, South Africa. Eastern border with Mozambique. No fences.
Terrain: African bushveld. Rough terrain. Large thorn trees. Huge areas with no roads.
Support: Rangers on foot. Rangers in 4x4 vehicles in some areas. Anti-poaching units.
Conditions: Winter – sunny and dry. Summer – Very hot and humid, daytime temperature: 45°C. (113°F) Large thunderstorms.

Teams are limited to no more than five members, who can be hobbyists, high schoolers, or undergraduate college sutdents, with only one graduate student allowed. Teams are allowed two advisors, who can be academics or professionals.

The drones they make must be cheap: no more than $3,000 may be spent on the software and hardware.

Full details  at


Drone Mission
Reading 1 :
  Understanding your on screen display (OSD) flight  instruments
Reading 2 :  HoryzonHD FPV Camera

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